Planning with Quests and Collections
How can I Use Quest Forward with Google Classroom?
Google Classroom is an effective and efficient way to facilitate student access to the quests and collections in Quest Forward, as well as to communicate with students. While there is no right or wrong way to use these tools together, here are five tips to get started.
Five Tips for Using Quest Forward and Google Classroom
- Use the Topic feature in Google Classroom to organize quests for students.
Create Topics in Google Classroom to represent quest collections or units of study for each class. This keeps students organized and makes it easy to find links to quests and materials. If you’re using a quest collection as the Topic, be sure to use the same name for your Topic in Google Classroom for continuity.
- Use the Assignment feature in Google Classroom to share quests with students and manage student work products.
Create Assignments in Google Classroom for each quest, activity, or task where students need to submit their work. In the assignment description, include direct links to the quests and any related supplemental resources, along with clear and detailed instructions on what students need to do. Also consider including specific information about submission requirements, due dates or other additional guidelines so students fully understand your expectations. Once students have completed their work, they will submit it via the assignment for your feedback and/or grading.
- Use the Materials feature in Google Classroom to share supplemental quest resources with students.
Create Materials in Google Classroom to share additional resources that support students’ work with quests. You can share materials either with the entire class or specific students by using the drop-down menus to select the students who should receive the resource. Select the appropriate Topic to keep the resources organized and help students keep track of all the items they need to access.
You can use this feature to…
- share differentiated articles, videos, links, or other materials with specific students who need them,
- share and spotlight new or additional resources for an entire class after they’ve already begun working on a quest, or
- share a resource or organizer that students may need for an entire unit or collection of quests.
- Use the Stream feature in Google Classroom to share updates, instructions, and reminders with students.
Use the Stream in Google Classroom to quickly share daily agendas, announcements, additional quest instructions, due dates, or other important information with the entire class or a specific group of students. When posting to the Stream, you can attach documents, links, and videos, to enhance your post and provide students with everything they need in one place.
- Use Google Docs to share activities or instructions with students as they work on quests.
Use Google Docs to create custom documents tailored to the specific needs of your students, curriculum, or standards. Once you’ve created these documents, you can easily add them to the Assignments, Materials or the Stream in Google Classroom. Documents may include detailed instructions for completing quests, guidelines for creating artifacts, choice boards, and more. If you add your document to an Assignment or Material, be sure to select the appropriate Topic to keep it organized for students.