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Planning with Quests and Collections

OE Curriculum Deep Dive: Course Investigation Checklist

Ready to use the OE premade curriculum and quests? Whether you use the curriculum as is or customize it for your needs, we recommend doing a deep dive into the course, unit, and quests you’d like to use. 

This Quest Forward: Course Investigation Checklist walks you through the process of investigating a course, a unit, and individual quests to help you plan for the unique needs of your students and classroom. Links for subject specific curriculum overviews and course frameworks are provided in the resource, as well as linked in the table below. 

Subject Course Overviews Course Frameworks
English English Curriculum Overview English Course Frameworks
Social Sciences Social Science Curriculum Overview  Social Science Course Frameworks
Science Science Curriculum Overview Science Course Frameworks
Math Math Curriculum Overview  Math Course Frameworks
Pathways Pathways Curriculum Guide and Pathways Course Overview Pathways Grades 9-12 Progression Framework