Starring a Quest
If you find a quest interesting but are not quite ready to use it, you can start the quest, making it easy to find and explore later. If a starred quest is updated or changed by the original author, the quest will be updated unlike the quests added to My Library.
Starring a Quest
- View all available quests by clicking “Quests & Collections” located in the top right corner of any Quest Forward page.
- Click “Quests” to the left of the search bar in the top left corner.
- Search all available quests by typing a keyword, phrase, or subject into the search bar.
- You can star the quest directly from My Library by clicking the star on the tile for the quest. You can star a quest while viewing it by clicking the star in the top right corner of the quest page.
- You can star a quest while viewing it by clicking the star in the top right corner of the quest page.
Note: If you have used the quest before and it is already in My Library, you will not see the star button.
Searching and Viewing Starred Quests
- Click “My Library” located in the top right corner of any Quest Forward page.
- Click “Starred” on the left side of the page under My Quests and Collections.
- Click “Quests” to the left of the search bar in the top left corner.
- Here you can search all starred quests by typing a keyword, phrase, or subject into the search bar located at the top of the page.
- If you want to use and/or customize the quest, click “Add to My Library” by hovering over the tile for the quest or in the top right corner while viewing the quest.
- Optional: Add a title and the section for this quest. Click “Add to My Library” to confirm.
Removing a Quest from Your Starred Content
- Click “My Library” located in the top right corner of any Quest Forward page.
- Click “Starred” on the left side of the page under My Quests and Collections.
- Click “Quests” to the left of the search bar in the top left corner.
- You can remove a starred quest while viewing My Library by clicking the star on the tile for the quest. Click “Confirm” to remove it from your starred content.
- You can remove a starred quest while viewing the quest by clicking the star in the top right corner.